If you would like to know more about LINXcast please email marketing@linx.net.
The London Internet Exchange will shortly launch the second series two of its podcast, LINXcast.
Hosted by LINX’s Jez Orbell, LINXcast will cover a range of telecoms and business-related topics relevant to the Internet community. The show features interviews with renowned industry professionals, with discussions on key technical issues, and much more besides.
LINXcast Host

In the first few episodes of the new season we will be rounding up the main discussion points of February’s LINX112 member meeting. We speak with Nic Blamire, Head Of Sales – MEA at Epsilon Telecommunications, and will also have a fascinating talk by Bert Hubert of PowerDNS. His topic of How life, including COVID-19 vaccines, is digital is definitely not to be missed.
A teaser episode for series two will be released on Thursday 4th March. The first full episode published the week commencing Monday 8th March. Listeners can subscribe to LINXcast via all the usual channels including Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Spotify. Alternatively you can visit our LINXcast podcast page to find the archive of all past episodes.
First Series Review
The first series began in November 2020. LINX staff Jennifer Holmes and Kendra Pignotti spoke about the challenges of doing business remotely in the UK and the US but both had experienced benefits of feeling more connected with partners who they may only meet in person at events.
LINX’s Distinguished Industry Speaker webinar series also provided rich, thought-provoking content for LINXcast. A panel of Andrew Sullivan (CEO, ISOC), Geoff Huston (Chief Scientist, APNIC), Jari Arkko (Snr Expert, Ericsson Research), and KC Claffy (Founder and Director, CAIDA) all featured in a special two part episode. This was entitled The Internet Model: Fit for the future or creaking at the seams? and is well worth a listen.
Emily Taylor of Oxford Information Labs presented a talk, New IP, China’s project to make new Internet standards was also very well received by listeners. In fact, it has been our most downloaded episode to date.
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